Thursday, August 10, 2023

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Over water bungalows close to home

Over Water Bungalows Close to Home at a Honduras Island Scuba Mecca

These bungalows sit on the docks in an epicenter of scuba diving sites: Roatan Island in Honduras. It’s a Western Caribbean dream destination for scuba divers who covet the bragging rights of finning alongside whale sharks, exploring underwater caves, or posing on the decks of sunken ships.
Every morning without fail at Anthony’s Key Resort, this PADI 5-star dive resort’s charter boats head out past the wooden over water bungalows that rim the tranquil lagoon. Casual and breezy, the suites sit on the docks, offering views of rays swimming below and dolphins leaping farther out in the lagoon. Inside the bungalows you’ll find hardwood floors and custom Honduran mahogany furniture. Outside on the bungalow deck, reading in the hammocks has become a favorite pastime among guests.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Rafting Rio Sico with Jorge Salaverri

Jorge E Salaverri  
Viaje de Rafting a Rio Sico por 4 dias. Salimos el Dia Miercoles 5 de Octubre de La Ceiba y regreso el Sabado 8 de Octubre. Acamparemos por 3 dias en las playas del Rio y remaremos muchos rapidos clase III y IV. Participantes mínimos 4 y max. 12 participantes. Precio por persona $ 340 c/u. Incluye transporte desde La Ceiba, Minimo dos guias, Equipo de camping y rafting, alimentación 11 platos por persona, una noche en Hostel 1877 de La Ceiba. Reservar a email: o mensaje de fbook. Tel 2441 2480.
Rafting trip to Rio Sico for 4 days. We leave Wednesday 5 October from La Ceiba and return on Saturday 8 October. We will camp for 3 days on the beaches of Rio and we'll row many rapids class III and IV. Minimum Participants 4 and max. 12 participants. Price per person $ 340 . Includes transportation from La Ceiba, minimum two guides, team of camping and rafting, food 11 meals per person, one night in hostel 1877 La Ceiba. To Book Email: Moskitiaecoaventuras@Yahoo.Com or message from fbook. Tel 2441 2480.    

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Bird guide to Central America is released

Humbled? Honored? Amazed? Blown away? Yes, yes, yes, and yes! The new Peterson's Bird Guide to Central America is out and Honduras' birds are well represented! It's almost emotional for me to see my rain forest friends looking back at me from the pages of Jesse Fagan and Oliver Komar's book. And, it's the official field guide to the Honduras Birding for Conservation Tour! Check us out at and come see us this weekend at the American Birding Expo (

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Nature - Honduras

Imagen del Pajaro del Sol, Sunbitern fotografiada por Hugh Faust en el Nucleo de la Biosfera del Rio Platano. Impresionante los colores y el dibujo del ala. Ave muy comun durante los primeros dias de Rafting por el Rio Platano. Tigrillo fotografiado insitu por Hugh. Aunque mas dificil de encontrar el animal entero las huellas de jaguares y pumas son comunes a las orillas de playas arenosas y quebradas. La Biodiversidad de la Biosfera del Rio sigue amenazada por el avance de la ganaderia y agricultura itinerante.