Over Water Bungalows Close to Home at a Honduras Island Scuba Mecca
These bungalows sit on the docks in an epicenter of scuba diving sites: Roatan Island in Honduras. It’s a Western Caribbean dream destination for scuba divers who covet the bragging rights of finning alongside whale sharks, exploring underwater caves, or posing on the decks of sunken ships.
Every morning without fail at
Anthony’s Key Resort, this PADI 5-star dive resort’s charter boats head out past the wooden over water bungalows that rim the tranquil lagoon. Casual and breezy, the suites sit on the docks, offering views of rays swimming below and dolphins leaping farther out in the lagoon. Inside the bungalows you’ll find hardwood floors and custom Honduran mahogany furniture. Outside on the bungalow deck, reading in the hammocks has become a favorite pastime among guests.